For moms – secret tool!

Children are our most incredible teachers...

They are the only ones who know what our heartbeat sounds like from inside. And when we’re able to channel their energy, we can bring their strength, curiosity, calm and resilience with us throughout our day. 

 I want to share how your ROCKING VIBE pieces can offer you that support whenever you are apart!

Here are three really simple ways that you can elevate your crystals and give them even more power in your life. 

Follow these 3 steps to give your crystal extra charge!

1. Let your child hold or wear your ROCKING VIBE – the physical touch will charge the crystal with their purity and energy and when you wear it next you can feel them with you!

2. Place your ROCKING VIBE piece under your child’s pillow overnight – this will infusing it with their calm and dreams. 

3. Let your child write a love note or choose their favourite picture and place it inside your pyramid – storing your crystal there when you are not wearing it will charge it with the loving intentions form your loved one.

The next time you’re wearing your piece and your heart feels unsteady gently touch your crystal and tap into your child’s energy. Breathe and know that you are supported no matter what. And when your heart fills back up, place one hand over your crystal and the other hand over your heart and anchor those feelings. And know that, no matter what, you can tap into that energy whenever you need to.

I hope that this Mother's Day – you believe in yourself, invest in yourself, and become the best version of yourself

